Getting Fit with a Fittness App - Pros and Cons
There are many app coming up daily for fitness but are they all effective equally as hiring a professional. In this Blog post I ’ll tell...

How to do Weighing?
Weighing yourself on a regular basis can help you lose more weight—without obsessing over the number. Measuring weight during weight loss...

Welcome to Longevity Blog Community
With Longevity Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. Readers can become...

Hashtag Your Posts with Longevity
Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#Longevitydietclinic #mydreambody #getfitonline #amazingtransformations) throughout your...

Importance of Personalised Diet Consultations..
A Dietitian is one of the best Job in the world. It gives you so much of freedom and creativiity to work on any platforms and being...